Magento eCommerce SEO

by | eCommerce, SEO

Magento eCommerce SEO Strategy & AdviceThere’s no sense in building a fantastic Magento eCommerce website, if people can’t actually find it. In order for people to find and visit your website, you need to get it ranking on the first page of Google. The way to do this is with effective SEO techniques.

Magento eCommerce SEO strategy & advice

SEO is a crucial part of Magento marketing and is all about optimising your website both on and off site to enable higher rankings in the search engines. The higher you rank, the more people are likely to find you and the more traffic you get, the more like you are to make sales. Below we’ve shared some of our top techniques to help get your eCommerce SEO strategy off to a good start.

1. Do keyword research

Before you can start optimising your Magento website, you need to know what keywords you want it to rank for. Take the time to do some in-depth keyword research to find relevant words and phrases that users are likely to search for when looking for the products or services you sell.

When it comes to choosing your keywords, try not to be too general. Remember people tend to be quite specific, so choose distinguished keywords that you will be able to compete for. Long tail keywords are also very important. People that type in long tail keywords tend to be further along in the buying process and are therefore more likely to convert.

A great tool for keyword research is the Google Keyword Planning Tool.

2. Optimise your website content

Once you’ve narrowed down your keywords you will be able to start optimising your Magento website. It is important that your content is high quality and that your keywords appear naturally. Be sure to use them in URLs, Title tags, H1 tags and image alt tags where relevant. You should also include them in your products’ meta data.

3. Create quality content regularly

Search engines thrive on fresh content so be sure to update your website and blog content on a regular basis. The more knowledgeable you appear; the more likely people are to share your content, which can contribute to your Magento website’s search rankings. The aim is for Google to see you as an expert in your niche.

Responsive web design is important

Responsive web design is important

4. Build a responsive site

We can’t stress enough how important it is to have a responsive web design. Thankfully the latest version of Magento offers responsive design as standard, so you don’t have to worry too much. By having a responsive site you can benefit from the new Google algorithm, which elevates the rankings of mobile friendly websites in mobile searches.

Responsive websites also eliminate the risk of duplicate content issues, which can harm your SEO and allow you to offer customers a better user experience – another factor that greatly contributes to your search rankings.

5. Build high quality backlinks

Many eCommerce business owners get a little worried when SEO companies mention building backlinks and rightly so. Over the past few years, many websites have been penalised by Google Penguin as a result of creating hundreds of spammy backlinks to their sites in order to increase their rankings.

However, here at the Magento eCommerce Agency, we only ever build high quality backlinks on relevant, high authority websites. You can do this too by guest posting on websites that are relevant to your niche. Getting natural backlinks from high authority websites passes their link juice to your site and signals to Google that they should be increasing your rankings.

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These are just some of the different ways you can improve your Magento eCommerce website’s SEO. For more information on Magento SEO, feel free to get in touch with our team.